Go On a Surf Trip!


Does your surfing feel stagnant?  Are you less than enthusiastic about paddling out at your local beachie?  Well, there is one sure way to restoke that fire…GO ON A SURF TRIP!!!

Yeah, there’s always a reason not to go.  Work, family, school, short on money, out of shape…or a combination of some or all of those reasons.  Then there’s always the classic, “I’ll go someday.”  Guess what, someday will never come unless you get off your butt and do something about it.  It’s way too easy to stick with the comfortable…and then complain about it.

No time?  Take a day trip.  Get out of “Dodge” so to speak.

Work?  Go on your day off…get up early and drive up or down the coast.

Family? Load ’em up in the vehicle and take them too or get a sitter or make a deal with your significant other for the day (or longer).

School? Go on a school break.

Short on money? Find a buddy and split the cost.

As an Indo boatman once kept shouting at us, “Do sum-t’ing!”

Plan a trip.  It doesn’t have to be a month long Indo sojourn.  A week can be a great amount of time if there is surf most every day.

Put the trip on your calendar.  Even if it’s a year out.  If it’s on the calendar, there is a greater probability you will do it.  B-rad, a pilot buddy of mine, once told me that.  At the time, I kinda thought it was BS.  But now, I realize what great advice it was. It gives you something to shoot for.  Something to save for.  A reason to train and get excited.

Short on money?  You really don’t need all new gear for a surf trip.  Figure out what you really need.  Maybe some board shorts?  You probably already have some or look around for sales or coupons.  A wettie?  You probably already have that too or look around for sales.  PS…there is always a sale or a coupon or a discount somewhere.  Board bad?  If you don’t have one, ask around.  Maybe borrow one from a buddy.  “Step up” board?  Check the used rack at your local shop or peruse online personal sales sites like Craigslist.  Check to see if there is a used board broker in your area.  Do not let a perceived shortage of cash slow you down.  You can do it, IF you want too.

When you plan the trip, choose a time that has consistent surf at the place you want to go.  Be realistic about your abilities and focus on locations that offer waves and spots you can actually ride.  Of course you want to challenge yourself and improve your surfing.  However, most places look a lot easier to ride when you see a video clip of some top professional backdooring a draining barrel than when you are actually there in the line up.

All that being said, still GO ON A SURF TRIP!  You will be happy you did.