Welcome to TrySlowBro

An alternative to the hectic pace of urban life

Bringing a bit of country soul to urban settings.  Slow down and breathe. Be mindful of your surroundings. Make informed decisions based on a formula of collecting valid data and analyzing it through thoughtful introspection


A wide variety of topics, products and services focused on improving life through knowledge, activity, creativity and inner refection.

A few things we’re great at…

Ethical behavior
Thoughtful deliberation
Having Fun!


With the Internet connectivity expanding worldwide and touching every part of our daily lives, more and more people are headed to websites in search of information.  We would like to be one of your trusted  resources for information, products and services.*

*Currently, we receive NO income from affiliate marketing.  Therefore, all the products shown on the website are there because we actually choose to buy and use them.  Cheers!

Our Team

Team Member:

Dana Schierenbeck  Founder: TrySlowBro

Team Member:

Laurie Stefano  Creative director

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