This January and early February, California was graced with some solid surf and fabulous conditions up and down the coast. While where I live in SoCal had some big swell and waves, we get nothing like what hits Central and NorCal. The premier Big Wave Spot in that zone is Mavericks. It is a giant, cold water wave that has assorted other hazards like big sharks and gnarly rocks on the inside. The following YouTube video link will connect you to a film of an incredible wipeout by one of the world’s best BIG wave riders, South African Grant “Twiggy” Baker. Even with all his years of experience and expertise, he chose a wave that surprised him and he paid the price. Fortunately, Twiggy came out of it relatively unscathed. This was in large part thanks to the water safety patrol rescue team. Without them, the outcome might have been way different. Check it out. Cheers!
You Just Never Know…
…what you will find…even in a place you’ve lived for close to 40 years. Yep, that’s just what happened to me the other day.
I was out on a Lyft adventure when I ended up at Torrey Pines State Beach. It’s a great spot to stop and take a break. There’s restrooms, beach walks, a river mouth, bluff hikes…just a cool San Diego place (among many might I add). There’s also a “secret section” to the reserve…

NoCo Crew Fantasy Surfing League

Quite awhile ago, when Surfer Magazine started the Fantasy Surfing website, a good friend and I signed up and began competing against each other. It was (and still is) good fun. Plus, it forced us to pay closer attention to each althele’s performances on the professional surfing tour. Which coincidentally, started broadcasting the contests live online at that time. Hmmmm…how serendipitous, eh?
How to Hard Boil an Egg…
Several years ago, a well known chef friend of mine was on a mission to cook an egg perfectly. Truth be told, at the time I didn’t get it. Here’s a internationally recognized chef focused on cooking…an egg. It seemed so simple. Ever since I was young, my mom fried, scrambled, boiled, or poached eggs almost daily. If she wasn’t cooking them individually, they were going into cookies, cakes, casseroles or any number of other types of dishes. Eggs were probably the first thing I ever even tried to cook because it seemed so simple. However, I learned I was wrong. Cooking an egg is harder than it looks and not everyone knows how to do it. I suppose all of those years watching my mom and grandma model the egg cooking process engrained it in the neuronal networks of my brain. So…here is hard boiling an egg in five steps.
Step 1…Get a fresh egg (or however many you want to boil).

After floundering around for what seems like forever…well, maybe a couple of months… finally has an e-commerce component! Check it out. See if something speaks to you. Cheers!
The Story of Laurie…by Laurie.
I was born and raised in Southern California and have always had an affinity for the beach and the coastal lifestyle that goes along with it. As a young girl, some of my fondest memories are of spending part of each summer break at my grandmother’s place on the Pacific Ocean in Laguna Beach every year.
Weekend Grilling
Grilled Sausages and Peppers
Here’s a perfectly tasty lunch for a sunny, Saturday or Sunday afternoon in the backyard. An added plus it that it’s easy to prep and cook. Bonus feature: it’s also visually appealing on the table. The following recipe is for two people. However, it can easily be scaled up for bigger parties by simply adding the same amount for every two additional guests.
Go On a Surf Trip!
Does your surfing feel stagnant? Are you less than enthusiastic about paddling out at your local beachie? Well, there is one sure way to restoke that fire…GO ON A SURF TRIP!!!
Yeah, there’s always a reason not to go. Work, family, school, short on money, out of shape…or a combination of some or all of those reasons. Then there’s always the classic, “I’ll go someday.” Guess what, someday will never come unless you get off your butt and do something about it. It’s way too easy to stick with the comfortable…and then complain about it.
Just when you think…3 Examples.
Our “little” north San Diego beach community has been, and continues to be, impacted by development and progress. But just when I begin to think urbanization and tourism has inundated us, there’s a reminder, a moment of clarity if you will, that maybe…just maybe…the natural world still runs the show.
The white crow arrived.