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Laurie Stefano Creative
For “The Story of Laurie…by Laurie,” click on this link.
May 8, 2021
It has been a busy couple of weeks for me. Preparing and releasing my first collection The Blue and White series (although small, I think it is a pretty good one!). Artwork is available for purchase in the shop so check it out. Also, please follow me on Instagram @laurie_stefano I try to share my latest projects as well as videos from my Sunday Funday with art. It is my dedicated practice time to art and experiment with new ideas or techniques I find on social media.
As mentioned a couple months back Dana and I are working on building a website to showcase my art. It is taking longer than I anticipated( what doesn’t, right?) but I have high hopes that LaurieStefanoCreative will be ready to launch this Summer. Please subscribe to this website so I can give you full details once we are ready to launch the website. I’m also thinking of a special offer for my VIP collectors to celebrate the launch and the next step in my art passion journey. So make sure to subscribe and “be in the know” ! Don’t worry I only send out emails when I have something exciting about to be released because I want my VIPs to have preferential treatment.
I have had a few people inquire about commissions lately. Yes! Absolutely I am open to taking on commissions. Since I am working my day job full time my time is limited so please contact me well in advance of when you would need completed artwork. Just email me and I can advise on lead-time and cost based on your needs.
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the Mamas!
April 27, 2021
It is almost time for my first collection of original paintings to drop in the shop on May 1st at 10:00am PST. However, If you subscribe to this website you will have early access to shop the collection on Friday. Don’t miss out! Subscribe before it is too late!
The Blue and White Collection is a series of original paintings on canvas in fluid acrylic. All paintings are comprised of the same shades of Blues with White contrast but vary in acrylic fluid techniques. This collection of abstract paintings have an archival gloss varnish, and framed in a White satin finish wood floater frame (including hardware) and ready to hang. Prices for these originals range from $85-$155 each (plus tax and shipping).
April 23, 2021
Exciting news! I have a new collection of 6 original artwork paintings due to be released in the shop on May 1st, just in time for Mother’s Day. However, for all my collectors (VIP) on my email list I will send you an email with special advance opportunity to purchase a painting before the official drop date of May 1st. So if you are not on the email list subscribe now, it’s easy, takes less than a minute!
I am calling this new collection The Blue and White Collection. All 6pcs are Acrylic paintings in various pour techniques. Each painting is unique but all use the same Blue and White paint colors so they can coordinate together (if you feel inclined to purchase more than 1 painting). All paintings are Original in Acrylic paint with archival gloss varnish and framed in a White wood floater frame, ready to hang(all hardware for hanging is included with these paintings). The Blue and White Collection consists of 2 paintings in each size: 10″ X 10″ X 1.5″; 8″ X 8″ X 1.5″ and 6″ X 6″ X 1.5″. I will be promoting this collection all week with additional photos and information on my Instagram feed so follow me if you aren’t are already doing so @laurie_stefano. If any questions don’t hesitate to message me. Have a great weekend!
April 9, 2021
Ever since I heard about Holi also known as festival of colours a few years ago I have been intrigued by this ancient Hindu holiday and wanted to learn. This year Holi was celebrated on March 29, 2021. Holi also know as Spring festival as it marks the arrival of Spring after Winter. It signifies the victory of good over evil and is celebrated as a day of spreading happiness and love; and who doesn’t want love and happiness?!
Also know as the festival of colors, people celebrate the festival by smearing each other with paint and throwing colored powder around in fun and joy. Sounds like great fun! I’m all about getting messy with color and paint.
As I learn more about Holi festival of colors I am inspired to paint a new mix media collection of 9 mini paintings. Stay with me over the next few weeks as I progress with this collection of 9 minis with release planned for end of April. Make sure to subscribe to this website to be VIP and be notified before collection is release for purchase to the general public.
Why is powdered paint thrown during Holi?
The powdered paint (called “gulal”) thrown during the festival represents the bonfire from which Prahalad was saved. The powders also pay homage to the bright colors seen during the Spring season.
What is Prahlada’s story?
An evil king became so powerful that he forced his subjects to worship him as their god. But to the king’s ire, his son Prahlada continued to be an ardent devout of the Hindu deity Lord Vishnu. The angry king plotted with his sister, Holika, to kill his son. Holika, who was immune to fire, tricked Prahlada to sit in a pyre with her. When the pyre was lit, the boy’s devotion to Lord Vishnu helped him walk away unscathed while Holika, from whom the festival derives it’s name was burned to death despite her immunity.
What is the meaning of colors?
Each powered paint color has a meaning. The most popular colors are the brightest- Blue, Yellow, Red, Purple, Pink and Green.
Red- symbolizes love and fertility
Yellow- is the color of Tumeric, a powder native to India and is used as a natural remedy.
Blue- represents the Hindu God Krishna
Green- is for new beginnings
What I love about Holi, the festival of colours is that it cuts across all classes, castes, and religions to bring people together. Together they celebrate the onset of Spring by filling their day with the colors of joy, prosperity, happiness and peace.
March 27, 2021
I don’t know about you but it feels like the first quarter of 2021 has whizzed on by in a flash. It seems at this moment people at least here in the US are pre-occupied on obtaining the “Golden Ticket” (or appointment for the Covid Vaccine). My turn is coming up soon so I will be joining the throngs of people scouring the internet for a coveted vaccine appointment.
One of my goals for 2021 is to have my own Laurie Stefano Creative/Art website. Glad to report it is in the works and hope to launch it before Summer. Please if you haven’t already subscribe to this website so I can notify you when the new website is launched. My hope is that by having a website solely dedicated to my art and creative passions it will be more cohesive, interactive and community building. I also want to launch or showcase collections or body of work and at this moment I do not have a platform to do so. I continue to strive on improving how I express of my creative passions and share with my community. Please join me and stay tuned for good things to come!
Here is a sneak peak at collection in alcohol ink using only Baja Blue and Lime Green inks by Jacquard – Piñata brand. The pieces are under ocean abstracts. Please check out the close up videos in below links of a few of my finished pieces. Let me know what you think; I welcome constructive feedback so bring it on!
February 7, 2021
Happy New Year to all! Let’s hope 2021 is a much better year for everyone. I’m hopeful, how about you?
If you are like me you start the new year with by setting goals you would like to achieve. One of my goals is to share my process of creating art by shooting videos and uploading them to Instagram on Sundays. I figure by posting process videos on Sundays it will keep me accountable to create art every week. I am hoping my filming skills will improve too with practice of filming weekly.
My primary art mediums will still continue to be alcohol ink and fluid acrylic paint in 2021.
Many artists pick a word of the year and for me this year I chose the word Evolve. Evolve into a better artist, person, partner, friend, daughter etc.
I just finished this collage using alcohol ink I call it “Butterflies”(click on video link below). Butterflies are symbolic of transformation, evolution, progression. Evolve as a verb means to come forth gradually into being. Perfect word for me in 2021. What is your word for 2021 if you are to chose a word that speaks to you desires, goal for 2021?
Butterflies- alcohol ink collage
Please see my posts on Instagram for more art and process videos. My instagram handle is @laurie_stefano.
November 27, 2020
Busy week for everyone considering we just celebrated Thanksgiving holiday. I have so many people and things to be grateful for especially in 2020. In this time of Covid I am grateful for my health as well as health of family and friends. Please continue to take safety precautions against Covid and let’s look forward to 2021.
I am currently in full swing making holiday gift items to add to the shop. Don’t forget to check our shop on Cyber Monday, November 30th. I will continue to add holiday gift items through December 12th.
Stay tuned for sneak peaks of new artwork series in process next month.
Make sure to subscribe to this website to become a collector member and receive first dibs on new product releases, special events, give aways, tips and discounts.
November 15, 2020
They’re here! Handmade 100% Beeswax candles in time for the holidays. Lightly fragrance with essential oil blends in Candy Cane or Christmas Tree. Candles are available in 2 sizes. Check out more details on our shop page and for quick results sort by latest so candles appear at top of page.
They are available while supplies last so get your candles now before they disappear.
I have included photos of my candle making process in stories on my Instagram account laurie_stefano so follow me IG and check out how I make these handmade candles. DM me if you have any questions on the process.
The holiday season is quickly approaching and I am hard at work making and creating handmade gifts for the holidays. Check out the shop for handmade, items from eco friendly candles and soaps(coming soon) to original wall art and functional art items. Perfect one of a kind art pieces for that hard to shop for someone who seems to have everything already.
I have started my own holiday shopping and found some great things on Society6. I have a couple of family members who are golfers so found some wonderful artistic golf products to choose from. Also, acrylic boxes like the one on my gift guide from Morgan Harper Nichols so perfect with her inspirational message. I have given acrylic boxes filled with candy as holiday gifts to coworkers in previous years. The box is a wonderful reusable keepsake.
Here is a link to my Holiday gift guide: https://society6.com/product/find-joy-the-abstract-colorful-florals_acrylic-box?curator=lauriestefanocreative. Starting NOVEMBER 16, 2020 Society6 is having 40% discount on best selling items and 30% off on everything else. Don’t miss out because this is the sharpest discount from Society6 all year. Metal water bottles are the newest item added to Society6 vast array of products. Remember, a commission of every item purchased goes back to the artist. Nothing better than supporting hardworking, passionate artist.
Water bottle in 3 sizes is the newest offering from Society6. Showing photo of my Razzle D Floral art on water bottle. Check out this new floral art and other beautiful art on Society6. So much to choose from it makes it hard to choose!
More photos of recent products I have purchased from Society6 will be uploaded to this page very soon.
DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO BE INFORMED OF EXCITING NEWS AND PROJECT LAUNCHES HAPPENING IN 2021! (don’t worry I will not bombard you with emails but want to send a periodic shout out to you on any upcoming launches, giveaways, items, tips that I find exciting and want to share)
June 1, 2020
I am making the most of this turbulent time by staying creative and be as mindful as possible. It is hard to cope with the 24 hour news cycle filled with all the of the devastation going on in our world right now. Let’s try to find some time to go within to find some peace and love if only for a short time. What things have you been doing to lately to keep you mindful, creative, sane during the past few days and months? For me I have been diving into new art projects, reading, sitting quietly in my backyard observing nature, baking and for the first time in my life getting into jigsaw puzzles(I have completed 3 so far which I have shared on IG).

Here is a little tour of my art studio(click on below IMG). It is a small space (hard to keep tidy with several projects in work at one time) but workable. Take a look at some of the art projects in works right now a few finished pieces on the walls. I do sell my artwork so please take a look at what is offered in our shop.
May 1, 2020
Hope you are doing well in these uncertain and scary times. May you stay safe and healthy. The pandemic has turned our world upside downside. Since being on home quarantine for the past 5 weeks I have done my best to be good and stay home to keep myself and everyone else safe. Since I am a natural homebody the stay at home order has not been a big sacrifice for me. I quite enjoy being home and in my element. Spring has sprung and the weather here in Southern California is so lovely. I am trying to slow down and appreciate all the wonders of nature during this crazy time of Covid 19 pandemic. I often will post on my IG account photos of the local botanicals, birds, ocean on my walks through the neighborhood so check it out.
I have been working on a few new projects over the past couple of months. I am currently putting together a collection of alcohol ink mosaic paintings and functional art. More to come but below is a sneak peak. The Coastal Mosaic art pictured below is now uploaded to Society 6 https://society6.com/lauriestefanocreative?page=1 and available on many wonderful products. Check it out, I swear you will like what you see!

I continue to experiment with alcohol ink techniques. See below my process for creating circles in alcohol ink painting.
Also, I am beginning a new series of alcohol art paintings with added ink or paint on top . See photo below of artwork Aloha Floral for example of this technique. If you like this art it is available in art prints and other products on the Society 6 website. I will have the original artwork of Aloha Floral for sale on this website too if interested in the signed original painting on Yupo paper (11″X 14″) which is matted to size of 17″ X 20″ and ready for framing. See this original art and others go in our shop..

If you’d like to see more…scroll on down…
OR…visit our shop by clicking HERE
This painting below is called Underwater Abstract. The colors turned out so pretty and I added some plant, bubbles and fish details. The original painting is available for purchase in the shop.
This was a fun project for my nephew’s birthday. His sport and passion is golf so I made him a Golf sign of wood letters with acrylic pour and resin coating.
I also want to experiment more in 2020 with multi media painting. They are quite a process for me since I have limited time to spend on creating art. Many layers involved so the lead time is long. So fun to see the artwork take shape at each stage in the process. This painting is called Inner Peace. This artwork on premium 10″ canvas is comprised in order: acrylic pour(balloon technique), acrylic painting(solid Yellow), stenciling, photo image, stamp text on tracing paper, hand drawn pen/color pencil lotus flower on tracing paper and Hand lettering in metallic Gold and Black ink. The top of canvas has a resin coating for a glass look and for protecting the art. This original artwork 10″X10″X 1.5″ is available for purchase.
Scroll down for more…
OR…visit our shop…HERE
Dutch pour on a 10″X8″X3/4″ canvas.
Coasters are packaged in a craft gift box with stuffing and ribbon and all coasters have cork bottom(wine and goblet excluded, hee hee).
This painting is one of my favorites of 2019. It is called Aqua Plume on premium canvas 12″X24″X1.5″. It can hang vertically or horizontally. See attached video for detail view. This original painting is available for purchase.
These handmade cards and others are available by contacting Laurie directly via our website. All cards are on a thick and elegant watercolor card stock. Commissions are also available. Just contact us directly HERE.
Keep scrolling! OR…visit our shop…HERE
Scroll down for EVEN more examples of Laurie’s work.
Laurie’s work is available:
on tryslowbro.com OR…on the following websites…
Redbubble Ltd. and Society6.com
Follow Laurie on Instagram
Follow Laurie on Pinterest too!
Email Laurie at: laurie.stefano@tryslowbro.com
Society6 & Red Bubble
Latest Projects:
Here are some examples of her
Acrylic Pours.
Alcohol Inks…
Handmade Greeting Cards…