
Surfing, though similar to other board sports, is unique in that it requires waves and fairly reasonable weather conditions to engage in it.  While  one is watching some accomplished folks surfing, it appears fairly easy.  However, once one attempts surfing, there are many subtle and not so subtle challenges for novices.

For example: Barrel riding.  Here a rider is casually standing in a very fine tube (the curling part of the wave) while photographers fire away with their cameras.  Very cool…but to get “slotted” like this requires a wide range of skills plus a lot of self confidence gained from many years of practice.

So, for anyone looking to surf who doesn’t have a friend or family member willing to teach her/him, a surf school is a good option.  A beginner can learn some basics and have success much faster.  Plus, the school will provide all the gear you need and transport it to the beach for you.  Check out Concept Surf Shop if you are ever in Encinitas, California.

Of course, after surfing and feeding, you’ll want somewhere to “chill out” for awhile.  Backyard still life…TrySlowBro style.  Very mellow.

Film study

Scroll below for film studies of big wave riding, shortboarding, longboarding and “going fishing.”

Big Wave Riding @ Cloudbreak (Fiji)

Short board surfing @ Margaret River, Western Australia.

Longboard surfing @ Encinitas, California, USA.

Gone Fishing @ Jeffery’s Bay, South Africa.

Buying the right board for you.  An expert’s advice… New Equipment

Check out the Billabong website for board shorts, T shirts, and more!


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